James Robertson Barclay, M.D., was born in Fifeshire, and educated at Balliol college, Oxford, where he took the two degrees in arts, A.B. 19th April, 1776; A.M. 10th October, 1778; and in April, 1780, was elected one of the Radcliffe travelling fellows. As a member of University college he proceeded M.B. 10th October, 1783; M.D. 20th October, 1783; was admitted a Candidate of the College of Physicians 10th April, 1786; and a Fellow, 25th June, 1787. He was Censor in 1787, 1792, 1800; Gulstonian lecturer, 1788; Harveian orator, 1789; Croonian lecturer, 1791; and was named an Elect 29th December, 1800. He was elected physician to St. George’s hospital 27th May, 1785, and continued in that office until 1800. He was admitted a fellow of the Royal Society 18th November, 1790; was appointed physician extraordinary to the princess of Wales in 1799; and died, I believe, in 1827. He changed his name from Robertson to Barclay in October, 1799.
William Munk