Charles Bale

Charles Bale (Avatar)


Vol II

Pg 68

Charles Bale


Vol II

Pg 68

b.? d.17 September 1730

MB Cantab(1716) MD(1717) FRS(1719) FRCP(1719)

Charles Bale, M.D., was born in London, and educated at Jesus college, Cambridge. He proceeded M.B in 1716, and was created M.D. 6th October, 1717, on the occasion of king George I paying a visit to the university. He was admitted a fellow of the Royal Society in 1719. Dr. Bale was admitted a Candidate of the College of Physicians 30th September, 1718, and a Fellow 30th September, 1719. He was Censor in 1723, and delivered the Harveian oration for 1729. He was elected physician to the Charterhouse 13th July, 1725, and died at his house in Charterhouse-square 17th September, 1730.

William Munk