Alan Roger Chrispin was a consultant radiologist at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street. He was born in Huddersfield, the son of Joel Gordon Hirst Chrispin, a textile factory manager, and Amy née Walker, the daughter of a butcher.
He was educated at the University of Birmingham, graduating in 1953. He then held a house physician appointment at the Children’s Hospital, Birmingham. Between 1954 and 1956 he carried out his National Service in the Royal Air Force as a squadron leader.
He then trained in radiology, becoming a senior registrar at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London. He was subsequently appointed to his consultant post at Great Ormond Street.
He wrote papers on unilateral lung transradiancy, pulsatile flow and medullary necrosis in infancy, among other topics. He was editor of Pediatric Radiology.
At the time of his election to the fellowship of the RCP in 1973, he listed gardening and 18th and 19th century European history as his interests. In 1957 he married Dorothy Gaynor née Roose, the daughter of a schoolmaster. They had one son and two daughters.
RCP editor
[Pediatr Radiol (1990) 21:1]