De sanitate tuenda libri sex. Galen, RCP Library, 1517
The following are the medical works of Galen translated by Linacre:
De sanitate tuenda ‘On the preservation of health’ (Paris, 1517)
Methodus medendi ‘On medical method’ (Paris, 1519)
De temperamentis et de inaequali intemperie ‘On the temperaments and on unequal temperaments’ (Cambridge, 1521)
De naturalibus facultatibus ‘On the natural resources’ (London, 1523)
De symptomatum differentiis et causis ‘On the differences and causes of symptoms’ (London, 1524)
De pulsuum usu ‘On the uses of the pulse’(London, no date).
These publications were generally acknowledged as the most authoritative versions of those parts of Galen's writings, and frequently reprinted. The first of these, De sanitate tuenda, sometimes translated as ‘On hygiene’, was dedicated to Henry VIII. The copy owned by the RCP was originally a gift from Linacre himself to Richard Fox (1448–1528), Bishop of Winchester.